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UP tools

Universal Printing desires to help their customers by supplying the information they need to create printer-friendly files. Click the links below, or on the left. These pages are for your benefit. We hope you find them useful.

Distiller Settings
Acrobat Distiller Settings 
Reader Download
Download Adobe Reader
Tech Support
Technical Support
Postal Regulations
Postal Regulations
Glossary of Terms
Preflight Checklist
Our Preflight Checklist

Folding Guide
Folding Guide
Envelope Guide
Envelope & Card Sizes

Software UPP Accepts
Fonts A-Z
How to Copy Fonts
Proportion Calculator
Proportion Calculator
PDF995 icon
Create PDFs for FREE


What our Clients think...
Donna, The cards arrived earlier today. Thank you for rushing the job. They look so nice, and Dr. H was very pleased. We really appreciate the effort and the fine work. You / your staff did a great job! Thank you so much. Sincerely,

By Martha W. - Administrative Assistant DUMC
Updates from Twitter:
@UPinfo UPinfo Looking forward to seeing all of you tomorrow for the Lead Awards!
- 4/8/2020 10:12 AM
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Universal Printing
Covid-19 — Small business helping small business!
- 3/16/2020 11:27 AM
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  4. Clinical Trials
  5. Wide Format Printing

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