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What is Multi-channel Marketing?

Combine direct mail with e-mail, add pURLS (personalized URLS), utilize the speed of the internet together with the power of a robust data engine to organize and track all activity, and you have the basics of a multi-channel marketing campaign.

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Symphony, our integrated multi-channel marketing software, delivers exceptional marketing results, much like a symphonic orchestra delivers an incredible music experience. In both cases the end-result is always greater than the sum of the individual parts.

Today, relevant marketing is more than a personalized direct mailer or an e-mail blast. It is the measurable multi-channel space where prospects are converted into customers that are ready, willing, and able to buy products and services. Managing that space is a challenge for marketers. Symphony provides the tools and integrates all channels of marketing campaigns through a powerful real time dashboard with an emphasis on delivering better response rates and more complete solutions to meet the complex needs of today’s CMO.

To be most effective, marketers know that they need to reach customers via print, web, and e-mail. By tying these all together in an integrated campaign, they have the ability to collect more customer data for use in future campaigns, track responses with personalized URLs, and learn which media is most likely to get a response from each contact for more successful and cost-effective follow-ups.

Overview of a typical Symphony Campaign  > 

  • Integrates Direct Mail, e-mail & Internet into
    Marketing Campaigns
  • Dramatically Increases Marketing Campaign
    Response Rates
  • Implement pURLS, Personalized URL’s
  • Real-time Reports and Metrics
  • Automatic Lead delivery to Sales & Marketing
  • Are you currently using or considering Multi-Channel Technology?
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What our Clients think...
I have been using Universal Printing for more than 5 years now. I rely on them for a wide range of things from posters, brochures and business cards to complex booklets with die cuts, metallics, varnishes and multiple pantone colors. My jobs are usually "rush orders" and they have not let me down yet.

By Ashley M.- Communications Manager
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